Marco Bastianelli, Linguaggio e mito in Paul Ernst. Indagine su una fonte di Wittgenstein

Marco Bastianelli, Linguaggio e mito in Paul Ernst. Indagine su una fonte di Wittgenstein. Mailand: Mimesis, 2010. € 18.-.


[Language and Myth in Paul Ernst. Inquiry on a Source of Wittgenstein] contains the German text and the Italian translation of P. Ernst’s Afterword to his edition of the Grimms’ Fairy Tails. Published by Mimesis, Milan 2010, pp. 232, ISBN 978-88-5750-108-6

The book explores the philosophical work by Paul Ernst (1866-1933), focusing expecially on the relationship between language and myth. The interest for Wittgenstein studies is due to a remark by Wittgenstein in which he says: “Wenn mein Buch je veröffentlicht wird, so muss in seiner Vorrede der Vorrede Paul Ernsts zu den Grimmschen Märchen gedacht werden, die ich schon in der Logisch-philosophischen Abhandlung als Quelle del Ausdrucks “Missverstehen der Sprachlogik” hätte erwähnen müssen” (MS. 110, 184: 20.06.1931).

Table of contents:


1. The illusions of Naturalism

2. Formal ideal and the tragedy of existence

3. Religious experience as redemption of tragedy

4. Logic of language and logic of myth

5. The influence of Paul Ernst on Ludwig Wittgenstein


Appendix: Paul Ernst’s Afterword to Grimms’ Fairy Tails



Der Autor

Marco Bastianelli (Perugia, Italy – 1976) has a PhD in Philosophy (2004). He has published several works on Ludwig Wittgenstein and contemporary philosophy, among which the book Oltre i limiti del linguaggio. Il kantismo nel “Tractatus” di Wittgenstein (Mimesis, Milan 2008). From 2013 is President of the Paul Ernst Gesellschaft e.V.